Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Less Blood

Less Blood / Anemia Black With Sugar

The signs of this disease is that patients have a disproportionate weight to the height or the body. Body feels weak and the skin looks kepucat-pucatan. Often feel dizzy, feeling very sensitive so easily run amok and mudan fainted. If you are affected by this disease try to make the traditional ingredients below.

1. Three slices lempuyang, for fingers.
2. Brown sugar to taste.
3. Turmeric to taste.

How to make it:
Lempuyang and turmeric are not peeled shredded immediately after washing and then spiked with sugar and squeezed. Then boil with three glasses of water. If the taste less sweet, then Increment sugar to taste. Allow to boil down to one glass of water to live. After a cold drink it up while he was sleeping repeat this several times. Hopefully in 4 months you will feel better soon.

How To Remove Body Odor Naturally ?

Incidence Causes Body Odor

Propionic acid or propanoic acid that smells like vinegar and is the result of the decomposition of perspiration by Propionibacteria, a type of bacteria that live in the human sebaceous gland duct adults and adolescents.
Isovalerik acid produced by the bacteria staphylococcus epidermidis, which smells like cheese spread.
Any imbalance in the body following can increase acid production that causes body odor :

Dietary imbalance. Magnesium or zinc deficiency and too much consumption of meat, foods that contain lots of choline (eggs, liver, fish, and beans), onion, garlic, jengkol, certain spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, fried and fatty foods can cause odor body.

Emotional stress. Apocrine sweat glands are usually a lot more when you are experiencing emotional stress (anger, fear, joy). If not take a bath, the bacteria will break down substances that cause body odor.
Hormonal turmoil. Androgen hormones in children who are undergoing puberty can increase the production of apocrine glands.

Genetic abnormalities. Certain people are genetically predisposed to have a strong body odor. A rare genetic disorder trimetilaminuria (trimethyl amine in the urine), characterized by a fishy odor on the breath, sweat and urine. The syndrome is caused by a defect in an enzyme that breaks down trimethyl-amine, a byproduct of protein digestion released by bacteria in the gut.

Disease. Some diseases can cause bad body odor. One of the most common diseases that can cause body odor is diabetes. This is especially true when a person is poorly controlled blood sugar that develops a condition called ketoacidosis. This condition not only causes body odor but also a distinctive breath odor. Bad body odor can also be a sign of liver disease or severe kidney in which the body is unable to process and remove certain toxins. This condition can be confirmed by blood tests that measure kidney and liver function. Sometimes, an overactive thyroid can also cause body odor problem because of the tendency of patients to excessive sweating

In addition, many people are hooked - ngaitakan Body odor with food that we eat, as for foods that can trigger the body odor include :

Some Foods that cause body odor :

1. Spices
Spices with a strong aroma when ingested will generally produce sulfur gas is absorbed by the blood and eliminated through the lungs and skin pores. This causes bad breath and body odor. Examples of these foods are garlic, onion, and curry.

2. Red Meat
It took a long time to digest red meat. When the undigested food, toxins and release foul-smelling gases that are responsible for the smell of sweat. A study published in the Chemical conclude, women judge men who do not consume meat more fun, more interesting, and less experienced body odor than men who eat meat.

3. Alcohol and Caffeine
Although alcohol and caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, soda, etc.) has become a habit, by limiting these drinks, your body will feel more fresh and odorless.

4. Processed Food & Junk Food
Consumption of processed foods is too much salt / sugar, flour, hydrogenated oils, and so forth, will tend to rot in the stomach, thus producing unwanted breath and body odor.

5. Low Carbs
Cutting the carbs lead to excess intake of foods rich in protein. It can help you burn fat deposits in the body. However, this process releases ketones into your bloodstream that makes your sweat smell bad.

6. Dairy Products
Dairy products are also rich in protein, which when broken down in your stomach, causing hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan stench triggers.

7. Choline
Foods rich in choline provide can make you sweat like the smell of fish. Some people, who can not digest food easily, "smells fishy." Examples of such foods are eggs, liver, fish, and nuts.

8. Fried
Fats and oils in foods that are fried and fatty foods become rancid over time, and can lead to poor digestion. It also causes bad body odor.

9. Tobacco
Cigarette smoke mingled with other elements and out through the sweat glands will cause a distinctive odor. Even after quitting smoking, the smell will stay in your body within weeks.

10. Trimethylamine
Some people have a genetic abnormality known as trimethylaminuria. In this condition, the body is unable to break down the amino acid, trimethylamine, which again produces a fishy body odor. There are many foods that contain amino acids, such as seafood, fish oil, eggs, liver, milk, nuts, soy products, broccoli.

Then how to eliminate body odor naturally? following tips to eliminate body odor naturally.

Tips and How to Eliminate Body Odor :

  • Drink 1 glass of betel leaf decoction in 1 day
  • eating basil leaves eraser at least 7 days
  • you should reduce fatty foods
  • eat less spicy
  • attach the cucumber slices in the most cause body odor
  • subtract beverages containing caffeine (coffee)
  • shaped wear deodorant spray
  • Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach
  • Use baking soda on the underarms and feet to reduce sweating
  • To reduce the pH of the skin and eliminate armpit odor, use apple cider vinegar instead of deodorant. Put it in a glass of water and use to rinse the armpits while bathing.
  • Bathe regularly, the summer, at least three times daily shower to remove sweat a lot more likely.
  • Avoid processed foods such as hydrogenated oils and other processed foods. Eating healthy foods that contain lots of fiber such as whole grains, wheat, soy products and green leafy vegetables.
  • Also avoid foods that trigger excessive sweating like spicy and hot foods.
  • Use cotton clothes to absorb sweat more so it does not immediately mix with the bacteria that cause odor. Frequently change clothes when she was a lot of sweating.

this is basil, or in indonesia called kemangi 

Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011


  This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine !

Influenza is out runny nose, headache, body feels dizzy, do not like to eat and drink.


If you are caught in the rain then immediately shower with warm water then drain your body.

Natural medicine:

1. Wood cup 20 grams
2. Bengle of the index finger
3. Cinnamon for the ring finger
4. Pulasari one tablespoon fennel
5. 1 tablespoon white angel
6. Babakan pule of thumb

How to treat:

- Material number from 2 to 6 are washed clean and peeled,
- Material number from 1 to 5 deep fried using the ground until half cooked, numbers 2 and 6 ingredients are mixed and fried as well but not until charred and then crushed and sieved
Take the medicine powder 2 teaspoons, then insert into a glass that already contains the hot water, then drink

 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine !

Jumat, 17 Juni 2011


 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine ! 

Low blood pressure is called regular or hypotension have the sense that very low blood pressure.


1. Damage to the hull. So that the process of digestion is not perfect with the result that the food or coconut milk is less than adequate according to the needs of our bodies.
2. Shortage of the enzyme pepsin or gastric lymph.
3. Lack of time to rest.
4. Someone who is severely depressed, as well as mental depression and lack of food.


1. Easy sleepy.
2. frequent tingling
3. His face was pale
4. easily tired
5. The head was dizzy with the back stiff
6. forgetful
7. If the squat and then stand it eyes feel dizzy
8. touchy

Natural medicine :

1. Raw chicken egg yolk 1 seeds
2. 2 tablespoons honey bees

how to treat

Eat egg yolks plus 2 tablespoons of honey every morning and evening, or you can also eat goat meat to raise your blood pressure

 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine ! 

Senin, 13 Juni 2011


 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine ! 

Basically there narrowing of blood vessels, so the task of the heart in pumping blood and blood sucking too heavy. The more severe the heart pumps, the less smooth the flow of blood throughout the body, including the flow of blood that flows to the brain.

The main causes:

1. Fat is lodged in the artery or arteries and in veins (venous)


1. Do not smoke and do not drink coffee
2. Do not eat goat meat
3. Do not eat fruits that contain alcohol (pineapple, durian, jackfruit, etc.)
4. Reduce foods that taste salty
5. Do not eat foods high in cholesterol


1. Head of frequent headache
2. The back feels stiff neck
3. Insomnia
4. Irritable
5. Pins and needles
6. Shortness of breath and stomach feels queasy
Heart palpitations are often
8. The eyes and face become red

Natural Medicine

1. 10 pieces of betel leaf
2. 10-old avocado leaves were
3. 3 cloves garlic
4. Puyang (a stem tuber) of thumb
5. 0.75 ounces rock sugar
6. 5 cups water

how to treat

Material number 3 and 4 were beaten to pieces. Material number 1 to 6 boiled until the water remaining 3 cups, then drink 1 cup before breakfast and 1 cup before bedtime. hopefully a speedy recovery.

 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine !


 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine ! 

Urinary stones is a disease caused by the sediment which crystallize in the bladder and obstruct urinary tract. Symptoms of bladder stones:

1. When urinating tip of penis is painful as if there are stones that obstruct


1. Reduce eating fried foods
2. Expand eat vegetables and fruits

How to treat :

1. Drinking water is cold cooked in a jar (because it can dissolve or destroy the existing crystals in the bag art)
Leaves cat whiskers a handheld are boiled with 1 liter of water until the remaining 0.5 liters. Drink 1 cup morning and night before sleep 1cup

 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine ! 


  This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine ! 

Diabetes is also called diabetes mellitus, is caused by blood sugar levels are excessive. Sugars are needed by the body as an energy source, but if the excess blood sugar levels, it will cause disease.

In this body there is an organ called the pancreas. This organ can produce several glands, one of which is insulin gland. Chemical reactions between lymph insulin with these sugars which produce energy.

Therefore, if an interruption in the pancreas, infection and so on, the body will suffer from diabetes. Pancreas easily damaged when people drink too much cold water. The symptoms of diabetes are as follows:

  1. Frequent urination
  2. Bad eyes
  3. Easily infected
  4. Throat is always dry
  5. If the body is injured it is hard to cure
  6. Body of fatigue or decreased stamina


Reduce fatty foods and high in calories and exercising enough.

Natural medicine:

1. Leaves
mulberry  a handheld
2. Leaves meniran a handheld
3. Leaves
cat whiskers a handheld
4. Petai china a handheld

How to treat :

Four kinds of ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1.5 cups only. Drink 3 times a day, each 0.5 cups. Good Luck !

 This treatment with no side effects because it uses natural medicine !